Virtuális kiállítások

Bela Dornyay Museum
Gizi Bajor Actor Museum
The exhibition commemorates three significant artists born a hundred years ago. The exciting, colorful and often troubled life of Margit Lukács, Ági Mészáros and Klári Tolnay are exemplary for posterity. What was it like to be an actor? To be a woman? To love and be loved? tovább


Arany Egyszarvú Patika

The freshest

János Tornyai Museum, Hódmezővásárhely

Images of an exhibition
The exhibition organised in conjunction with the Fortepan digital photo archive evokes the Hungarian capital in its heyday, at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Researchers from Fortepan discovered negatives of photographs of Budapest, hitherto unknown in Hungary, taken by a German postcard publishing company and preserved in the collection of the Deutsche Fotothek in Dresden. continue
Roam around the museum with us!
Thanks to her growing sense of nationhood and her developing middle class, during the course of the nineteenth century Hungary saw the creation of several museums. First among these new institutions was the National Museum. A museum dedicated solely to the history of Budapest came into existence only toward the end of the last century. Its core collection consisted of finds from the building sites, from archaeological excavations, and earlier collections which help shed light on of Budapest's history. continue
Castles, fortresses